Free and Public DNS Server List (Valid July 2020)

Umbrella Roaming Client: Probes ( In router/firewall logs, you may notice a lot of packets being sent to This is the domain used by the Umbrella roaming client to determine certain characteristics about DNS connectivity, and whether connectivity is possible over certain protocols and ports. GitHub - opendns/dnscrypt-win-client: Windows front end Windows front end for DNSCrypt Proxy. Contribute to opendns/dnscrypt-win-client development by creating an account on GitHub.


OpenDNS Community > Domain Tagging

NETGEAR Live Parental Controls - Sign in to your OpenDNS

2020-7-10 · OpenDNS now supports IPv6 addresses — meaning that, by using the OpenDNS Sandbox, you’ll be able to resolve your DNS using IPv6 DNS servers. Why IPv6? IPv6 supports a far larger number of addresses than IPv4, which is why the change is taking place now — since IPv4 was implemented in 1981, the Internet has grown dramatically, and there