linux - What is kernel ip forwarding? - Unix & Linux Stack

NAT with Linux and iptables - Tutorial (Introduction) iptables -A FORWARD -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT do not forget in addition to masquerading to authorize forwarding from your LAN. Say is the LAN of your host and the LAN you want to connect to the Web, then : iptables -I FORWARD 1 -s ! -d -j ACCEPT Forward traffic from wlan0 to eth0 interface · GitHub Jul 14, 2020 Forwarding Traffic with IPTables on CentOS 6 -

Aug 19, 2016

Easy IPTables Configuration and Examples on Ubuntu 16.04

How can I set my linux box as a router to forward ip packets?

Dec 09, 2019 Viewing all iptables rules - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange iptables controls five different tables: filter, nat, mangle, raw and security.On a given call, iptables only displays or modifies one of these tables, specified by the argument to the option -t (defaulting to filter).To see the complete state of the firewall, you need to call iptables on each of the tables successively.. Additionally, to get an accurate representation of the rules, you need networking - Forwarding ports with iptables not working