Google Analytics maakt gebruik van eigen cookies, wat inhoudt dat de cookies worden ingesteld door de klant van Google Analytics. Met behulp van onze systemen kunnen gegevens die via Google Analytics zijn gegenereerd, door de Google Analytics-klant en door Google aan cookies van derden worden gelinkt die verband houden met bezoeken aan andere Privacy concerns regarding Google - Wikipedia Google's changes to its privacy policy on March 1, 2012 enabled the company to share data across a wide variety of services. These embedded services include millions of third-party websites that use Adsense and Analytics.The policy was widely criticized for creating an environment that discourages Internet-innovation by making Internet users more fearful and wary of what they put online. All the Ways Google Tracks You—And How to Stop It | WIRED Topics google privacy data privacy WIRED is where tomorrow is realized. It is the essential source of information and ideas that make sense of a world in constant transformation. Google Analytics - Wikipedia

Google Analytics - Wikipedia

May 19, 2016 Google Analytics Academy

Data Privacy Controls - Google Safety Center

Add any service you may be using. In this case, it will be Google Analytics, and possibly Google Analytics with anonymized IP, User ID extension for Google Analytics, Remarketing with Google Analytics, Google Analytics Advertising Reporting Features and/or Google Analytics Demographics and Interests Reports depending on what features you have